Astrology in October 2023 – The season of the solar eclipse has begun!


October 2023 will be marked by two strong solar eclipses in Libra and Taurus.

Things “happen” during eclipse season, so we know we’re in for some interesting developments in October.

As the eclipses move from the Taurus/Scorpio axis to the Aries/Libra axis, this is still the case for us lots of Scorpio energythat I have to deal with this month.

Pluto goes direct, and Mars, Mercury, and Sun all enter Scorpio, reminding us of “that time of year” when we are forced to explore the hidden aspects of ourselves and the world around us.

In the 2nd part of the month Venus in Virgo forms a beautiful trine to Jupiter,and then it forms a grounded and productive one Grand Earth Trine with Uranus and Pluto. This beautiful earth energy is our reward for a job well done!

But let’s take a look at the most important astrological events of the month:

October 4, 2023 – Mercury enters Libra

On October 4, 2023, Mercury enters Libra. Over the next few weeks, our communication will become more diplomatic and tactful and our negotiation skills will sharpen.

Many people associate Libra with indecision, but let’s not forget that Libra is a cardinal, initiating sign. The goal of Mercury in Libra is to move things forward: developing ideas, initiating conversations, and making agreements.

If you get stuck (and you probably will been We’re stuck (having just come out of a Mercury retrograde phase) with a long list of tasks and decisions to make – Mercury transit in Libra is a great opportunity to finally make the crucial decisions that remain outstanding.

October 9, 2023 – Venus enters Virgo

October 9, 2023, Venus enters Virgo. Hallelujah! It’s been a loooong time past Venus transiting Leo. Can you believe we had Venus in Leo for four months?

The difference between the watchful Venus in Leo and the practical and humble Venus in Virgo is like Barbie vs. Cinderella.

Unlike Barbie, Cinderella wasn’t born in a shiny outfit. She had to scrub the whole house to go to the ball.

When Venus moves into Virgo, the slogan changes from “Because I’m worth it” to “Because I deserve it.” The invitation to the ball WILL come! Later this month, Venus trines Jupiter and then Uranus and Pluto.

October 11, 2023 – Pluto goes direct

On October 11, 2023 Pluto goes direct at 27° Capricorn.

When an outer planet like Pluto changes direction, its energy is stronger than usual.

On October 11th (plus minus 2 days) Plutonic energy will peak. Then we can expect intense thoughts, feelings and events that will trigger profound changes in our lives.

Pluto transits are cathartic and cleansing – asking us to remove anything that is out of alignment so we can make room for new life to grow.

You will be particularly influenced by station Pluto if you have planets in the final degrees (25°-29°) of the cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

October 12, 2023 – Mars enters Scorpio

On October 12, 2023, Mars enters its home sign of Scorpio. Mars feels great in Scorpio because in this firm, powerful sign, Mars can channel his intense energy and passion with surgical precision to achieve his ultimate goal.

The Glyph of Scorpio and Mars both feature an arrow, a symbol of assertive, directed energy that needs an outlet for expression.

When Mars in Scorpio sets a goal, he will pursue it relentlessly, breaking through obstacles and, when necessary, reaching deep into the shadows until he defeats and transforms everything that stands in his way.

October 14, 2023 – New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

We have one on October 14, 2023 Annular new moon solar eclipse at 21° Libra. This is a South Node Eclipse and is conjunct Mercury, square Pluto and quincunx Uranus in Taurus.

With this powerful solar eclipse, we press the RESET button. South Node eclipses often have an end followed by a new beginning.

The New Moon Eclipse in Libra is a great opportunity to reset unhealthy relationship patterns and start from a clear state.

October 20, 2023 – Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra

On October 20, 2023, Sun is conjunct Mercuryat 26° scale. We are now in the middle or “full moon” phase of the current Mercury cycle. That means it’s time to manifest!

What are we manifesting? Anything “Mercury”: an intellectual project, a writing, a speech, a presentation, a negotiation or a collaboration. Pluto forms the square of the conjunction, so your Mercurial transfer will be intense and transformative.

22-23 October 2023 – Mercury and the Sun enter Scorpio

On October 22, 2023, Mercury enters Scorpioand the next day, the Sun joins in. Congratulations to all the Scorpios out there!

The Sun in Scorpio inspires passion and a desire for transformation, and Mercury in Scorpio brings a keen intellect and a focus on uncovering hidden truths.

Both the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio are looking for meaningful connections. This is not a time for chit-chat or superficial encounters. This is a great transit to have honest conversations (with ourselves and others), get therapy, and get to the bottom of our thought patterns.

October 28, 2023 – Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus

We have one on October 28, 2023 Full Moon and North Node Lunar Eclipse at 5° Taurus. The solar eclipse is conjunct Jupiter in Taurus and opposite Mercury and Mars in Scorpio.

This is a North Node Eclipse, so it offers us the opportunity to shift our karmic patterns and align with our soul’s purpose.

With the Moon conjunct Jupiter, we feel confident and optimistic – the world is ours! However, we need to think about what others think of our big ideas (solar eclipse versus Mercury and Mars).

The good news is that the universe (aka Venus, the ruler of the full moon) is on our side. At the time of the full moon, Venus forms a beautiful grand trine with Uranus and Pluto.

We have what it takes to succeed, and the Grand Trine will help us turn our desires into tangible reality.

October 29, 2023 – Mercury conjunct Mars in Scorpio

On October 29, 2023, Mercury is conjunct Mars at 11° Scorpio.

Mercury in conjunction with Mars is decisive, determined and leaves no stone unturned.

When we combine the sharp intellect of Mercury in Scorpio with the drive and assertiveness of Mars, we get an energy reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes.

This transit gives you the drive and intellectual stamina to tackle complex challenges and take bold actions. The exact area of ​​life affected by this transit is indicated by the Scorpio-ruled house in your birth chart.

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