It’s a Gemini New Moon to be reckoned with – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Dear friends,

There’s a new moon this weekend, coming overnight on Saturday or in the early hours of Sunday morning, depending on where you’re standing. The Sun and Moon meet at 26 degrees, 43 minutes Gemini, conjunct partner asteroid Juno and square Neptune. We feel a strong urge to take action to achieve our dreams, perhaps with an attitude of recklessness. Damn the torpedoes.

All week Jupiter and the North Node of Destiny have been parallel Rasalhague, one of the more “dramatic” fixed stars in the firmament, whose associations include “mental depravity” and the Tarot image of the Tower.

Mercury, on the other hand, the ruler of the Sun and Moon in Gemini and of Ceres in the last degree of Virgo, aspects the Arabian part of the betrayal and is on the fixed star Phaeton or falls from grace. There’s a slow-motion feel to this energy: I remember the portrayal of “The Bullet” in “Hamilton.” Fate dances towards us inexorably, whether we try to accept it or not.

Of course, there is always something you can do with your free will. This new moon horoscope asks us to be particularly careful, conscious and of course conscientious when communicating. Are you sure that the person you are confiding in is trustworthy to you? Are you speaking the truth as you really perceive it?

Saturn, the god of karma, sits on a world point (something that makes him particularly loud) AND he is positioning himself to go retrograde (when the giants dance, everyone shakes) AND he is conjunct the ascendant in the new moon chart, in which he is cast in Washington, DC

The recent energy of the solar eclipse is triggered, so we wait for the continuation of the To Be Continued in April and May and November last year.

Follow the Golden Rule and/or the Categorical Moral Imperative: Do unto others as you think people generally should do unto others.

Be wise about what you wish for under this new moon and remember that the universe does not hear negatives. There’s no point in telling heaven what you DON’T want; Tell him what you DO. Identify a positive, clear, and conscious vision of success and do whatever it takes to align with it.

And for more information about the upcoming New Moon and how you can work *productively* with the energy, I invite you to register for my webinar tonight, Friday, June 16th at 7:30pm Eastern Time! [Edited to add: Please click here to purchase the recordings and slides from the webinar.]

Big hug,


New Moon in Gemini
June 18, 2023 at 12:36 am Eastern US Time
Diagram for Washington, DC

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