Home News New Moon November 2023 ~ Debauchery ~ Darkstar Astrology

New Moon November 2023 ~ Debauchery ~ Darkstar Astrology

New Moon November 2023 ~ Debauchery ~ Darkstar Astrology

The New moon November 13, 2023 is at 20° Scorpio 3rd decan. Aspect: Opposite Uranus and conjunction Mars. Fixed star:Alpha Musca in Musca the fly. Tarot card: Seven cups. Healing crystal:Almandine garnet.

New Moon in Scorpio Dean 3

This deanery is generally regarded as one of debauchery! Agrippa says Scorpio means 3rd decan “Drunkenness, fornication, anger, violence and strife”. This is supported by my research which found traumatic events and murderers among the natives. So that’s the bad news.

The mysterious and sometimes eerie New Moon will highlight the occult potential of this decade. The good news is that there are also an abundance of talented singers in this ranking. Most often, they are extremely seductive souls who use their snake-like qualities in the most erotic ways possible.

For new moon-sensitive Scorpio women, they may have no choice but to become the ultimate femme fatale. On the other hand, men touched by this new moon could play the typical Don Juan. Both sexes have to be careful not to become too reckless in their search for the object of their desire. This New Moon position can seem almost too cartoonish in its potential to evoke villainy. Still, the sheer amount of art that this bittersweet Luna brings with her cannot be overlooked.

Austin Coppock says those with their Moon in Scorpio in the 3rd decan “I feel a lot of what others reject and am open to states that are the most oppressive. This gives them an emotional range that many lack and are often quite sensitive, with many exhibiting intuitive and psychic abilities.”[1]. We may find ourselves confronted with the dark side of excess when prominent people behave quite naughtily in the news.

This New Moon in Scorpio 3 will open our eyes even more to the degeneration in the world (if they weren’t already open enough). Only after the stench of cleansing is revealed is a new morning possible. It’s interesting that director Stanley Kubrick had his moon in Scorpion 3. His prophetic films show only too well what happens when people intentionally keep their eyes wide closed!

New Moon Fixed Star

Alpha Musca occurs in the constellation Housefly. Musca is related to muscarine, which is found in deadly mushrooms. It is a trace element in fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). Muscarine is also found in decaying animal tissue. Flies hover around the dead carcasses of offerings and food left to the gods. “Beelzebub…the word is translated ‘fly man,’ for a fly is called Zebub.”[1].

Zebul means “increase or increase”and connected with everyoneZebel in the Bible. She was accused of having sexual relations in a church and then enjoying the holy food offerings left there. What this connects for me is sex, holiness and death. From the decay comes an increase, as if one were taking an entheogen. Musca, musk can be the perfume. It’s not the freshest smell, but it’s sexy because it brings a slight hint of animal sweat. Sweat is the smell of decomposition. Peat, which is made from partially decayed vegetation, also has this woody, masculine scent.

New Moon Tarot Card

7 cups7 cups

The Tarot card associated with Scorpio in the 3rd Decan is the Seven of Cups. As rulers, both Venus and the Moon are reflective and passive planets. This fits well with the cards’ divination meanings:

“As he stands spellbound in front of the Seven Cups, he realizes that he has a lot to think about and think about…. You could attend counseling or psychotherapy sessionshelp uncover overcome hidden motives and childhoodconditioning too Reveal your true personality. On the other hand, you may use meditation or read self-help books to find your true self.” ~ Teachmetarot.com

New moon November 2023astrology

New moon November 2023New moon November 2023

new moon aspects

Moon opposite Uranus

The Moon opposite Uranus can be fickle and moody. However, its electric sparks inspire innovation and ingenuity. This is an ideal time to allow the Sky God to flow through you. You may be surprised by your inventions because the moon rules the imagination. Your ideas may seem “outlandish” and will be questioned. However, over time they will be accepted, so don’t give up! You may feel rejected by the common people, but it’s usually the outliers who have the most original and unusual ideas. So dare to be different and benefit from it in the future.

Lunar conjunction Mars

The Moon conjunct Mars can indicate a time when people are wild about protecting their family or homeland. It is an energy of defense, but also an energy when the feelings of the collective easily erupt into anger. Violence is possible, so it is not a good energy for domestic happiness. I would also avoid surgery unless it was an absolute emergency. However, this conjunction is great for firefighters because they react quickly and instinctively.

Mars opposite Uranus

When Mars opposes Uranus, expect fireworks! This is a time when people are inspired to take revolutionary action. However, it could be a flash in the pan as it erupts quickly but never lasts. Passionate one-night stands and holiday romances happen out of the blue. Again exciting, but will probably drive you crazy afterwards. Sex gadgets are also possible, because that’s a perverse thing!

New moon November 2023 Summary

This new moon has all the makings of a dangerous liaison. We have the sexual intrigue of Scorpio Decan 3, the musky fly star and the fireworks of Mars opposite Uranus. However, this new moon could bring heartbreak if you mistake a one-night stand for a lasting soulmate connection. Mars trine Neptune adds even more to the fantasy element.

However, established couples will really enjoy the romantic spark that this new moon could bring. It’s the perfect time for a second honeymoon. Moon conjunct Mars really needs to be channeled into sex so you can avoid the domestic aggro potential. Hands down, this is probably one of the sexiest moons of the year. But if you don’t have a romantic escape available at the moment, this kundalini-boosting energy can be channeled into art or music instead. Abstract expressionism would be perfect!

New Moon Healing Crystal

For this New Moon I chose Almandine Garnet because it is the stone of physical love between long-term partners. Garnet not only supports each other’s needs and desires, but also protects against false love.

Amandin garnetAmandin garnet

The stone offers fantastic protection against emotional vampires, manipulators and evil spirits. It should be worn by anyone involved in rescuing spirits. Almandine is a stone of psychic protection. Its dense energies ensure that one remains strongly connected to the body, making it more difficult for negative energies or entities to take hold.

Almandine Garnet is a strengthening crystal that increases resilience. Insights are gained and goals are achieved. Its healing energy promotes a feeling of security, stability and abundance.

This deep red crystal helps with grief and letting go of failed romantic relationships. Additionally, it invites deep love and helps connect truth to self. It opens the higher mind and initiates charity and compassion.

Almandine garnet helps soft awaken the energies of Kundalini that could be electrified by these powerful Mars and Uranus aspects. When you’re overstimulated, ground yourself with Almandine’s steady, slow vibrations.

1. The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, 6th century AD, p. 185.

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