Solar Eclipse in Libra – Elvis has left the building


We have one on October 14, 2023Annular new moon solar eclipse at 21° Libra.

This is a South Node Eclipse and it is conjunct Mercury, square Pluto in Capricorn, opposite Chiron in Aries and quincunx Uranus in Taurus.

With this powerful solar eclipse, we press the RESET button. South Node eclipses often have an end followed by a new beginning.

Venus at greatest elongation

The solar eclipse in Libra is ruled by Venus, so it’s interesting to pay attention to what Venus is actually doing in the sky at the time of the eclipse.

During the solar eclipse, Venus is about to reach its greatest morning elongation. When Venus is at its greatest elongation (this occurs only twice during its 584-day cycle), that means it is at its furthest distance from the Sun (47).° away).

Venus is generally at the greatest possible distance from the actual solar eclipse.

This is super interesting because Venus rules Libra and is therefore essentially “responsible” for everything that happens in Libra. Venus turning its back on the eclipse is like a host leaving his own party. “I’m done with you guys.” Elvis left the building.

What does that mean? The closer Venus is to a solar eclipse (or any transit at all), the more emotionally invested we are in what is happening.

An event happens in our life or we hear something on the news. Whenever something disrupts the status quo, we get triggered. Our natural reaction is to become emotionally invested. take sides. Having opinions is Venus’ way of saying, “THIS is what I value.”

Venus at its maximum elongation suggests a different approach.

What if we this time not be emotionally invested?

What would it mean to disregard your feelings and values? How would this approach influence your decisions? Your actions? What would happen if you just let things happen?

Solar Eclipse in Libra – The Aspects

The solar eclipse consists of conjunction of Mercury, square to Pluto, opposite Chiron and quincunx to Uranus.

With so many tense aspects of the outer planets, we may feel trapped in one “thing.”me against the worldScenario.

The Sun/Mercury conjunction can make us stick with it OUR idea of ​​truth. But Pluto disagrees – and represents a different perspective: What if what we believe to be true and just (Sun/Mercury in Libra) may not be the truest or most beautiful thing in the grand scheme of things?

Just because something feels right to us doesn’t mean it’s THE best outcome in a larger scenario.

The aspects of Pluto, Uranus and Chiron also remind us of the inevitability of life. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things happen that are beyond our control.

Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans“ – as the famous Libra John Lennon wisely remarked.

We can’t force anything. Sometimes the best course of action is to emotionally distance yourself from the situation and let things unfold.

During the solar eclipse in Libra, do what Venus does. Take a deep breath and exit the fight scene. See what consciousness could arise in this empty space.

What Libra wants

A solar eclipse is first and foremost a new moon.

It’s the month of the year when one of the 12 astrological archetypes comes to the forefront of our collective consciousness. It is the time when all of us, regardless of natal chart placement, put on the Libra hat and relate to the world from the Libra perspective.

What does the scale stand for?

The Libra symbol is the scales.The scale was developed in ancient Egypt to impartially assess how much something was owed or how much something was worth.Scales tell us the value of things.

Libra is our ability to weigh different alternatives from a detached place.

A remote location doesn’t mean we don’t care. It simply means that we take our subjective perspective out of the equation in order to find a higher truth.

The judge holding the scales – the symbol of the scales – is depicted blindfolded – and this is because justice is blind. There is no room for bias and subjectivity.

There is another quality that defines Libra and sets it apart from the other signs: it Ability to pause and think. Libra is the 7th sign, the furthest point from Aries. This is the point of maximum separation from the self (Aries).

The Glyph of Libra is Sunset. This is the place on the horizon where the sun can have a 360° panoramic view° Perspective.

Libra is a cardinal sign, and we know that the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) bring us the seasons. In a sense, it is the cardinal signs that introduce the dimension of time into our lives.

Aries is the present, Cancer is the past, Capricorn is the future. Libra is the awareness of how time affects us and how our identity evolves over time.

Solar Eclipse in Libra – The Choices We Have Made

During this eclipse, take some time to reflect on the most important decisions you have made in your life.

If you look back at your life, at the most important milestones and turning points – what would you do differently?

This is a triggering question – most of us are predisposed to say, “I wouldn’t do anything differently,” “I don’t regret anything” – because contemplating different outcomes shocks us at the identity level: What if I failed? What if thereWas a better way?

The point of this exercise, however, is not to dwell on regrets or to account for our mistakes. It’s about becoming aware of how our past circumstances have shaped our present.

Thinking about different scenarios is Libra’s expertise.

Reflecting on how the past has defined and continues to shape us is an incredibly awakening exercise because it helps us see the connection between different aspects of our lives.

These are some benefits of this exercise:

  • Find closure by recognizing that “life happens” and that there are larger forces at play
  • Pay attention to patterns of action and behavior
  • Make peace with the past
  • (Re)discover your values ​​and what is most important to you
  • Paint a picture for the future
  • Empower yourself to do things differently from now on

Solar Eclipse at the South Node in Libra – A New You

The solar eclipse in Libra is a South Node Eclipse. South Node Eclipses bring karmic release. We tie up the loose ends. We look back on the past. We finish what is unfinished.

But let’s not forget that this is also a new moon. New moons are associated with new beginnings, and the “new beginnings” dimension of the eclipse may be at odds with the more past-oriented focus of a South Node eclipse.

The devil is in the details. The difference between North Node Solar Eclipses and South Node Solar Eclipses is that North Node Solar Eclipses offer us experiences and opportunities that are completely different than what we are used to. We are exposed to things we have never been exposed to before.

South Node solar eclipses, on the other hand, are about new beginnings that arise from tying up loose ends.From the end of a chapter.

At the South Node of the Libra eclipse, we are not breaking new ground.We know the playing field. We are in the same place as we were 20 or 40 years ago. But the scenery has changed.

We love to romanticize music, movies, and events from our youth. “Things are no longer what they used to be.” They are not – because time passes and life evolves.

With the South Node Eclipse in Libra, you can emerge from the ashes of the past into a new, wiser being. Elvis has left the building. Who’s next?

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