Sun conjunct Mercury – Mercury becomes the evening star


On October 20, 2023,Sun is conjunct Mercuryat 26° scale.

This transit is important for two reasons:

1) We are now in the middle or “full moon” phase of the current Mercury cycle. This is a time of clarity and manifestation.

2) Mercury passes from the morning star to the evening star. You may be familiar with the morning and evening star concept from Venus – but all planets have “morning” and “evening” star phases. These two different phases have different qualities.

Now let’s talk a little about each of these two dimensions of the Mercury-Sun transit:

Mercury in conjunction with the Sun – Mercury “Full Moon”

When Mercury is directly conjunct the Sun, we are in the middle of the current four-month Mercury cycle. This is the peak of the cycle, a time of maximum clarity and alignment.

This particular Mercury cycle began on September 6, 2023. Is there a project or venture you initiated in early September? Is there anything special happening in your life?

Around October 20th, at the time of the conjunction, you will receive important insights (Mercury) about yourself and your life purpose (the Sun).

This is a time of alignment and clarity. If you’re unsure whether to take a chance or pursue a project, the Sun-Mercury-Cazimi conjunction will give you the clarity and confidence you need.

Mercury conjunct Sun square Pluto

Pluto (at 27° Capricorn) squares the Mercury-Sun conjunction, adding an element of depth and transformation to the insights and clarity you receive.

The insights gained during the Sun-Mercury-Cazimi conjunction can bring deeper psychological undercurrents to the surface and make you aware of hidden thoughts or power struggles that may have been sabotaging youDecisions and actions.

The Sun conjunct Mercury and Pluto offers you the opportunity to profoundly shift your thought patterns and align yourself with your true purpose.

It is the time to confront any fears, mental models or self-destructive tendencies that keep you small and emerge with a clearer sense of self and a deeper understanding of your life path.

The exact impact this transit will have on you depends on the placement of your houses and whether the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto relate to the planets in your birth chart.

Let’s say the transit triggers your career. If you feel stuck in your career, the Cazimi conjunction between Sun and Mercury will give you insight into your self-sabotaging beliefs that have been hindering your professional growth.

When you become aware of these hidden thoughts and self-doubts, you can work to address and reframe them.

You may find that it is not “them,” but your own ideas and beliefs about what is and isn’t possible that have been holding you backand that yYou may have unconsciously attracted “controlling forces” or “impossible situations,” so you learn to take control of your career path and create opportunities that match your true potential and ambitions.

Mercury becomes the evening star

The Sun-Mercury-Cazimi conjunction is important for another reason.

When Mercury (and any other planet) changes its relationship to the Sun, it transforms from what is known as a “morning star” to an “evening star,” or vice versa.

When a planet rises Before the sun, it is a morning star.

This means that it “appears” before the sun. It has its own agenda. Its energy is more raw and archetypal because it does not depend on the Sun’s desires.

When a planet rises after the sun, it is an evening star.

This means that the planet and the sun have already had an encounter and that the sun has “passed on” its mission to the evening star planet.

This is great for many reasons: The planet now has a purpose. His agenda now aligns with the Sun’s agenda. But the planet also loses a little of its spontaneity and spirit of discovery.

Both the morning and evening star phases of a planet have their own advantages.

We want a planet to be a morning star when we start something new. When we embark on a new journey and want to explore things from a new perspective. This is an exploration and research phase. The planet is trying different things, learning to navigate unfamiliar terrain, and adapting to unfamiliar situations.

We want a planet to become an Evening Star when we already have clarity about what we want to do and we are ready to move forward with implementation and implementation.

Promethean Mercury and Epimethean Mercury

Mercury has two different “names,” one for each phase of the star.

The Mercury morning star is called the Promethean Mercuryof Prometheus, who gave people the fire of the spirit.

The Promethean phase of Mercury is characterized by a spontaneous and intuitive approach to thinking and communication. The Mercury Morning Star has the energy of Gemini. It is curious, quick-witted and has the mind of a beginner.

Mercury’s evening star is called Epimethean Mercury. Epimetheus was Prometheus’ brother. In Greek, epimetheus means “afterthought” or “late advice.”

Unlike his brother Prometheus, Epimetheus was known for being an afterthought, symbolizing a more thoughtful and cautious approach.

Epimethean Mercury has a more practical, analytical and objective mind. His approach is based more on experience than intuition.

The Mercury Evening Star has the energy of Virgo. There is a specific task that needs to be accomplished, and you do it methodically.

On October 20, 2023, Mercury will transform from a Promethean Mercury to an Epimethean Mercury. What does that mean?

This change marks a transition from a more spontaneous and intuitive way of thinking and communicating to a more reflective and cautious one.

Having aligned your thoughts (Mercury) with your goal (the Sun), you now worry less about exploration and focus more on disciplined action to achieve your agenda.

People born with an Epimethean Mercury typically find this phase of the Mercury cycle more familiar and easier to navigate; This is because they are already “used” to this energy and can easily use it.

For Promethean Mercury people, however, this Mercury approach might be somewhat contrary to their nature; but this can lead to major breakthroughs and successes.When we are “pushed” to look at things from a different perspective, we are much more likely to find creative solutions.

How do you know if you have a Promethean Mercury or an Epimethean Mercury? Simply.

If your natal Mercury is in the sign in front of the Sun, then it is Promethean. If it is in the sign after the Sun, it is Epimethean.

For example, if your Mercury is in Taurus and your Sun is in Gemini, you have a Promethean Mercury. If your Sun is in Gemini and your Mercury is in Cancer, you have an epimethean Mercury.

If your Sun and Mercury are in the same sign, pay attention to the degree. If Mercury is found at an earlier degree (e.g. Mercury at 7° Gemini, Sun at 15° Gemini), then you are a Promethean Mercury.

If Mercury is found at a later degree (e.g. Sun at 15° Gemini, Mercury at 22° Gemini), you are an Epimethean Mercury.

Sun conjunct Mercury – clarity and momentum

Regardless of Mercury’s phase, the exact Sun-Mercury conjunction that occurs on October 20, 2023 is the time when the Sun and Mercury will meet in the sky and shake hands with you Gain clarity about your purpose in life.

At the time of the conjunction, take some time to think about your goals and desires.

Journaling is a great Mercury activity to help you tap into your inner wisdom:

    • What do you have to do? (Sun-Mercury-Cazimi)
    • What needs to change in your approach? (Mercury becomes the evening star)
    • What fears and mental models do you have to deal with and transform? (Sun-Mercury square Pluto)

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