The pressure to transform and the new moon in Cancer – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Dear friends,

Tomorrow is the new moon and a New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar tonight!

The Moon in Cancer is naturally emotional, and when it goes out of bounds it is particularly emotional: sensitive, tender, empathetic, empathetic and volatile. On Monday, July 17, at 2:31 p.m. Eastern Time, it will meet the Sun at 24 degrees and 56 minutes of Cancer to create all-new 30-day and 2.5-year cycles around family, identity, and to begin care.

The chart shows a tremendous amount of excitement waiting to be released. As Mars approaches its opposition to Saturn in the new moon chart, a feeling of stasis can arise: two steps forward, one step back.

Meanwhile we have a Grand Cross stretching across the sky, with Pluto at the last degree of Capricorn opposing the Sun and Moon, and square the Nodes of Destiny at 0 degrees, 0 minutes, Scorpio and Taurus – just a few hours away theirs retrograde progression in Aries and Libra as they bid farewell to Scorpio and Taurus for another 19 years.

And MEANWHILE, there is a big finger of God, with Venus in Leo at the tip, forming uncomfortable quincunxes with both Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn.

We are all at a crossroads, at a certain fateful decision point in the context of our lives, feeling pressure to change and uncertain about the consequences. The universe wants us all to think deeply about the desires of our hearts. What are your true values ​​and priorities? What does “a meaningful life” look and feel like to YOU?

Venus in Leo invites us to be “selfish.” She asks (along with Mary Oliver), “What do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

The actions we take and the decisions we make now have the ability to propel us forward into a life that expresses our deepest and most intimate selves. Stay brave. Stay tuned.

Finally, if you would like to learn more about the new moon and its role in the context of your horoscope, please consider subscribing my webinar this evening.

I wish you everything your heart desires!

Big hug,

The new moon in Cancer
July 17, 2023 at 2:31 pm EDT
Diagram for Washington, DC

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