The Taurus New Moon – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Dear friends,

A magnificent new moon dawned in Taurus this morning, the first new moon since Jupiter entered Taurus last week and the first since Mercury entered Taurus direct. The eclipses are GONE! It is a juicy, fertile and creative energy, perfect for realizing your bright dreams.

The diagram (see below) shows a beautiful mystical rectangle with Mars, Neptune, Ceres and Pluto at the corners, suggesting that the universe has big plans for you that you are now being drawn to. It is an opportunity to look inward – tuning into your inner sense of mission and purpose – and then look outward and recognize synchronicities that are close at hand.

Today’s chart also features a Mercury-Saturn sextile, the third of three transits of this aspect, with Mercury and Saturn finally beginning to see eye to eye now that Mercury is direct. Clear communication about structures and boundaries is paramount if you want to collaborate creatively with this person or team. You have the skills and talents to create something beautiful together; It’s just a matter of getting everyone on the same page.

Keep talking to your ghosts too! Mercury remains in its shadow until the end of the month, allowing people from your past to resurface and perhaps resolve.

This energy is productive when harnessed, but can easily spiral out of control if used clumsily. (Remember the Greek myth ofPhaeton? Its asteroid of the same name is in conjunction with the new moon. Depending on whether you “count” the South Node or not, there is either a T-square or a Grand Cross in the early degrees of the fixed signs: Mars is just a few minutes away from 0 Leo. Jupiter is at 0 Taurus and Pluto is at 0 Aquarius. . . In addition, we have the nodes at 3 degrees Scorpio-Taurus.

The last time Mars, Jupiter and Pluto spoke to each other was in late 2020 and early 2021. Like then, we may feel like we’re at a turning point. The pressure to act decisively on issues of power is almost overwhelming. Don’t go to war unless you absolutely have to.

The key is to focus attention on what you are creating. What is your vision? Who do you want to be in all this? We’ve had a lot of ups and downs over the last few weeks, but now the path is clearing and it’s time to put all your effort behind your clarified and clarifying dream.

If you would like to learn more about the new moon and how it affects YOUR horoscope, I would like to invite you to join me at my next meeting in a few hours New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar. Hope to see you there!

Big hug,

New Moon in Taurus
May 19, 2023 at 11:53 am Eastern US Time
Diagram for Washington, DC

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