This week’s solar eclipse – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Dear friends,

This Thursday, April 20, 2023, at 12:19 a.m., there is an exciting New Moon Eclipse in the last degree of Aries in the chart lineup for Washington, DC. It’s the second Aries New Moon of the year – a rare event in itself, and (oddly enough) NOT in the same sign as the Nodes of Destiny. The Lunar Nodes are in the early degrees of Scorpio and Taurus, so the North Node-New Moon conjunction still works via a bridge.

Think back to the events of April 2004, April 1985, and April 1966. Which chapters opened and closed for you back then? Now is the time to welcome the next phase of THIS evolution.

In the horoscope for Washington, DC (the horoscope that governs the entire United States because that is where our nation’s capital is located) we see Sagittarius rising and the Sun and Moon (along with Jupiter and Eris) in the fourth house of foundations. It is an active, explosive and paradigm-shifting diagram across the world; But for those of us in the U.S., the impact will likely be even more dramatic.

The eclipse degrees are conjunctive natal planets and angles of many of our more prominent political leaders, including Mitch McConnell, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Clarence Thomas, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Joe Biden.

Expect an upheaval in the balance of power: This is the first solar eclipse to occur while Pluto is in Aquarius. The God of Power has just transitioned from the sign of structure (Capricorn) to the sign of the people! Take a close look at the structures that determine your own life. What changes could help you feel more free? How could you get involved in this?

Things break down under such aspects. Be careful with the elements of your life that you *don’t* want to let go of. The news is distracting (especially as Mercury prepares to deploy), but you should keep your nose to the grindstone and focus on what’s really your business. Venus Out of Bounds in Gemini makes it a great time for writing or talking with people you love.

If you would like to learn more about these aspects and learn how to make the most of the solar eclipse in YOUR birth chart, I invite you to join meNew Moon Manifestation Circle monthly webinarTONIGHT, Tuesday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time.I wish you all a good trip!

Big hug,

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