Tigers, listen up! You’re the 3rd animal in the Chinese Zodiac’s 12-year cycle, and boy, do you pack a punch.
The years of the Tiger are 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, and 2022, and let’s say they’ve been some pretty memorable ones.
Get ready for a year filled with unexpected romantic encounters, Tigers. Love is in the air and many of you may find it through mutual friends. While you’ll be popular in love, expressing your feelings may be a struggle, causing your partner to question your affection.
Explore the Year of the Tiger – 2024 Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast! This guide is designed for those born under the Tiger sign, offering personalized insights and predictions. Pick up some practical tips to navigate the cosmic energy and make the most of the year ahead!
But fear not, as the year progresses, communication and mutual understanding in your relationship will improve. By the end of 2023, you’ll finally manage to gain your partner’s trust and strengthen your bond.
Tigers, this is your year to explore alternative sources of income. With your current job not meeting your financial needs, you’ll have the chance to tap into new sources of income, avoiding any financial crises along the way.
Don’t be afraid to take the lead and make key decisions if the opportunity arises, as you’re a natural leader. Speak up and share your ideas with your team, as this will earn you admiration and support, leading to increased profits for your company and personal growth in the form of promotions and raises.
2023 may bring some health challenges for Tigers, especially for those with respiratory problems. Changes in weather may cause issues, so it’s best to avoid cold air and dusty environments. If you notice any changes in your body, be sure to seek medical attention.

Unleash the Energy of the Tiger in 2023 with These Feng Shui Remedies and Charms for Good Luck and Prosperity
As indicated by the Feng Shui forecast, the energy of the year 2023 resonates with the Tiger. You will have an excellent year, yet not one without challenges. For a career full of success, the Tiger should get a Lucky Buddha or a Kwan Yin and add to them a Feng Shui thread of coins or a Tree of Wealth.
The Lucky Buddha, also known as the Laughing Buddha or the Happy Buddha, is a popular figure in Chinese and Buddhist culture. It is believed to bring good luck, happiness, and prosperity to those who have it in their home or office.
The Lucky Buddha is typically depicted as a plump, jolly figure with a big belly, a smile, and a bald head. He is often depicted carrying a bag of treasures, which is believed to symbolize his abundance and prosperity.
In Chinese culture, the Lucky Buddha is often associated with the Fuk Luk Sau, a group of three celestial stars believed to bring good fortune to those who invoke them. It is believed that the Lucky Buddha represents one of these celestial stars and that having a statue or representation of him in one’s home or office can help to attract good luck and prosperity.
The Mandarin Ducks will be very helpful in love matters. Get a Lucky Bamboo or a Wu Lou to fortify your health. In terms of crystals, the right ones for you are Tiger Eye and Citrine.
In Chinese culture, mandarin ducks are seen as a symbol of love, fidelity, and happy marriage. They are often used in art, literature, and decorative items to represent these values. It is believed that having a representation of mandarin ducks in one’s home or office can help to promote feelings of love, loyalty, and harmony.
Boost Your Good Fortune with These Feng Shui Items to Wear Every Day
Lucky Numbers: 4, 7, 16
Lucky Colors: grey, white, pink
Lucky Directions: south, east, southeast
Tiger Love Horoscope 2023
As per the 2023 Tiger love horoscope, there could be significant changes in romantic relationships. By mid-February, loved ones or new partners may break away from past reflections and aimless romantic commitments. Before June, close relationships may take a more public turn as loved ones become more involved in social and family responsibilities.
Single Tigers can expect new romantic opportunities to arise throughout the year. However, it’s best to avoid making strong commitments before mid-June as powerful attractions or long-term promises may require significant attention.
The Year of the Water Rabbit 2023 offers a chance for Tigers to find their soulmate. You may try to assert dominance in the relationship but a passionate and fun period awaits. If there is intention for it, pregnancy is also a possibility.

If you’re single, you’ll have a few flirtations this month, maybe a partner for going out and having fun. But you don’t feel the urge to get serious about someone yet.
After July, set your own pace: loved ones and long-term friends will look to you for guidance and emotional direction. Relationships intended to remain in your life will be made evident by the end of June: throughout the summer months, begin setting your plans into action. This year, a 2 to the 3-year cycle of living by someone else’s rules will end: use this time to bring freedom, creative passion, and your romantic agenda into your life.
Is 2023 a Lucky Year For Money?
According to the 2023 Tiger horoscope, there may be some professional challenges but also opportunities for growth this year. Restlessness may affect your health, but with a higher income, you’ll be able to manage any health issues.
Your creative ideas may bring changes to your work environment, and you may even consider starting your own business if you feel restricted in your current position.
For job seekers, 2023 is a favorable year for showcasing your skills and innovations. You may see an increase in earnings, but it’s important to balance spending and saving and avoid financial risks.
During this period, hay fever or breathing symptoms sufferers have a rough time. Best to avoid dusty, hot, and humid places for the time being.
Remember to consume plenty of nourishing drinks and supplements that help to strengthen one’s lungs and nervous system; also, avoid deep-fried foods, fizzy drinks and chocolates, and try to get plenty of rest.

Years of the Tiger and the five elements
Wood Tiger 1974
During 2023, it is “Quality of life first” for adventurous Wood Tigers, as you take more time to live and strive to live life to its fullest. Nothing under Heaven is too difficult for you now. Vibrant Wood Tigers enjoy beautiful new fields to explore, along with fresh ideas and opportunities. Never afraid to try a new path, Tigers allow their natural impulses to guide them, and the freedom is empowering!
Passionate Wood Tigers know that only a “complete” person is capable of loving and capable of detesting others, as well. Romantically, learn the lessons of silence and patience, acting as one who is sure of their power.
Water Tiger: 1962
During 2023, Water Tigers step in and handle any family crisis admirably. As the courageous risk-taker of the zodiac, your bravery stems from your sense of “empowered entitlement” and family troublemakers are no match for your authority. In Year of the Rabbit 2023, tenacious Water Tigers’ luck climbs even higher, and you enjoy your karmic “permission to pass” through life. Accolades and praise stream from employers and family alike. Tigers gather their legendary strength during the pre-dawn hours they rule, between 3:00- 5:00 am.
Metal Tiger: 1950
Your ideas are genius but could be difficult to implement in 2023. When you provide for the practical, do not neglect your senses. Regularly, take time out of your schedule to find a peaceful spot and ruminate this month. Ignore appearances and hold fast to substance. Metal Tigers should hold off on lending money, as the astral climate now ties this to legal matters. Take extra precautions while traveling or driving and be observant when handling metal instruments in July. If physically fatigued, add extra calcium and protein to your diet.
Earth Tiger 1998
The people born in the Year of the Metal Tiger should beware of playing with hearts during 2023. Don’t try to make the person you love jealous, as this is a lose/lose proposition. Be yourself; it is more than adequate! Be on your guard against sensual slavery and prepare for the possibility of an alternative sexual situation being presented – especially if female.
It may be difficult for you to resist his (her) magnetism and his (her) fine art of love. Free yourself of “need” and enjoy the outstanding adventure of “want.” In 2023, Metal Tigers have no tolerance for foolishness or incompetence. You can be rash when revolting against authority and superiors now. Impetuous and impassioned, Tiger’s undiminished passion and desire for new conquests could produce a roller coaster love life.
Fire Tiger 1986
In 2023, it will be in the Fire Tiger’s interest to watch over himself, even though he is faithful and constant in his love behavior. You could undergo a powerful temptation of a purely physical nature with an intelligent Rat, a sensual Snake, or a ravishing Rooster who profoundly stirs your passions. Imagination will be highlighted in your professional destiny, while projects and ideas monopolize your thoughts this month. Your unfailing determination is the key to your success.