Welcome spring! The Aries New Moon – Anne Ortelee Astrology


Dear friends,

Today we welcome spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere. Degree 0 Aries is not just one of the world points – that is BIG NEWS – it is the first and perhaps most important degree of the zodiac in Western astrology: a time of death and rebirth for everyone.

Normally only one of the lights lands on this world point at any given time, but this week is a notable exception: The Moon will follow the Sun into Aries tomorrow afternoon while the Sun still lingers at 0, creating a superpower New Moon for new beginnings and upheaval .

But wait, there’s more! Pluto is now in the final minutes of its final cap degree and is preparing to change signs for the first time since 2008! We conclude the stories that began then (Remember 2008?) and will soon take our study of power and how to wield it into new, unknown territory.

Basically, like I said in my podcastThis is the second busiest week in 2023.

Pluto will be in Aquarius (with a small zigzag movement directly in front of it) for the next 20 years. The last time it crossed this particular threshold was in 1777. Pluto in the air changes the way we think. Last time there were the American and French revolutions: now there is unrest in France over President Macron’s extension of the retirement age, and we are certainly divided here in the US. Watch the news this week for ideas for the next 20 years of transformation, destruction, metamorphosis and rebirth.

Additionally, Ceres, the planet of the Mother Goddess, is exactly opposite the Sun and Moon at 0 degrees Libra, creating an interplay between our own needs and those of our partners. How do you dance the dance of individualization and connection? No matter which side you lean towards, it’s a good time to be very clear about what you want to promote.

Mercury in Aries is sharp-tongued and quick; He’s smart, but has a tendency to say things he doesn’t mean. However, since he and Mars are now in mutual reception, if you ask nicely, they will energetically “swap places” – giving you access to the determination of Mars in Aries (instead of the hesitation of Mars in Gemini) and Mercury . Adept in Gemini (instead of Mercury in Aries). You can continue meaningless arguments or move on. You choose!

All in all, it’s a very, very big New Moon with positive final aspects and lots of strong magic. If you have been asking questions about your mission in life, now is the time to look for answers.

For more information about the new moon and how to make the most of it, I invite you to purchase my current version New Moon Manifestation Circle Webinar (this time pre-recorded due to family commitments).

I wish you three big steps forward towards clarity and purpose.

Big hug,

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